Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Scientist Tim

A real life Scientist visited us today! Chiza's Dad Tim works as a Chemist in a Chemistry Lab! He did some exciting experiments in front of us and we saw lots of changes! We saw some reversible changes. Liquids changed from clear, to a colour, and then back to clear, from different chemicals.

Questions you can ask your children about the visit:
What experiments did you see?
What did Scientist Tim show you?
What are reversible and irreversible changes?
Where did Scientist Tim work?
What sort of people come to Scientist Tim for help?


  1. Must have been so much fun. Thanks Tim

  2. Future scientists in the making. The kids must be so fascinated during the experiment.

  3. It's great that the children were able to see how science is in our whole world and work. Aren't they lucky! Thanks to Scientist Tim for sharing his time and knowledge!

  4. It's great that the children were able to see how science is in our whole world and work. Aren't they lucky! Thanks to Scientist Tim for sharing his time and knowledge!

  5. It was lots of fun with Scientist Tim

    Ryan Lopez

  6. Looking like fun with the volcano.From Lily.

  7. Jess Langhorne11 June 2016 at 00:18

    Very cool! Love all the experiments happening in class at the moment, looks like fun.

  8. Jess Langhorne11 June 2016 at 00:19

    Very cool! Love all the experiments happening in class at the moment, looks like fun.

  9. It was so much fun watching Tim .Julia

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I had so much fun. I ne'er knew much about science and technology, until now i know lots!
